Here’s Why Being An Introvert is Actually Awesome

Anushka Gopal
2 min readFeb 5, 2024


The lure of solitude

They say “it’s an extrovert’s world” and now I know why — it’s because us introverts have a world of our own. Leave us to our own dreamland and you’ll find us most content there. It’s our safe space, untainted by the rest of the world. And the best part? it could be whatever we want it to be. I can say for certain that mentally, more often than not, we are elsewhere; simply enjoying…well, our own imagination. While some people fear solitude, we thrive in it, almost too much sometimes.

In charge of our own joy

We don’t depend on others for our happiness. We’re not detached, no, but we don’t attach our state of joy to other people or external factors too often. We live for our self-care days, artistic pursuits and such. We know our priorities and the things that truly matter. Read a book, watch a movie, play the guitar, learn a new language…we’re really, truly never bored!

Heightened sense of self-awareness

Our time alone leads to several moments (hours) of introspection. That’s not to say we’re necessarily over-thinkers, but we do like to understand ourselves more and more as we evolve and become self-aware over time. We learn to acknowledge our angels and demons, and how to embrace them both. There’s nothing greater for us than the joy of self-discovery and growth.

We really, really care

When we do attach ourselves, we don’t let go. It’s such a rare occurrence! We might have all of three people in the world to call our own, but we give them our all and love them with everything we have. They’re OUR people, the ones we allowed into our safe space. We love to take care of them, share our biggest dreams and worst fears with them and never, ever leave their side. There’s no pretence; just genuine, unconditional love.

I’ll admit, I haven’t always felt so positive about my introverted nature. Specially in a world of networking and ‘putting yourself out there’, I experienced several failures because I couldn’t do either of those things. But I found my people, the ones who didn’t call me ‘boring’ just because I wanted to stay in on a Saturday night. And I found a way to adapt in my professional life as an ambivert for 10 out of 24 hours in the day. But the remaining 14 hours are for me and my solitude, my imaginary concerts and travels, my books, my words and my tunes — all mine.

Linger a while in the embrace of solitude,

Where the heart finds joy and spirits are renewed

For only in silence, are symphonies heard

And only in solitude, is the soul stirred.



Anushka Gopal

Marketer by passion and writer at heart. Give me a word and I’ll write you a story 🖌